Table of Contents
What are Merge Tags?
Creating a Custom Merge Tag
Input Fields
Appendix - System Merge Tags
I. What are Merge Tags?
Tired of filling in the different client details every time in the same document or E-mail? Zomentum gives you the option to add merge tags, which act as a "placeholder" or "variable” for information that is already present in Zomentum. You can insert a Merge Tags in the Text block inside a Document to populate recurring information, for example, Address of the Client, Client Name, etc.
To add a merge tag you can:
Drag and drop a text block
Click on the merge tag icon on the formatting strip at the top
Or type a curly bracket twice - ‘{{‘ - to see the available merge tags.

II. Creating a Custom Merge Tag
Variable Merge Tags are custom-created by the MSP, in addition to the existing merge tags, to populate recurring values in a document. For example, a contract's start date and end date can be created as custom tags and used across multiple places in the document. If you want to change the start and end date, edit the value of the custom merge tag, and the value gets changed everywhere else where the merge tag is used.
To create a custom merge tag:

Note: The custom merge tags created are created for specific documents and can only be used in a particular document.
III. What are Input fields?
Input fields allow you to add fields to the document that you or your client can fill at the time of signing. These fields can be used for adding the name of the signing authority to the phone number of the business. There are three types of input fields - Text box, Date, and Checkbox.
Navigate to the document you want to add an input field too.
Add a "Text Block" to the document editor
Or insert two square brackets in the text block - ‘[[‘
From the pop-up window:

Select the Field Type depending on the information you want the client to fill in (Text, Date, or Checkbox fields)
Select an Assignee
Enter the Label text for the input field. This will help the end client to know what information to enter in the given field
If the information is mandatory to be filled ensure to select the check-box against the ‘Required’ field.
Hit Save.
Note: Only signees can be assigned to an input field. The dropdown will be empty if there are no signees assigned to the document. If any of the input fields have not been assigned to a signee you will see a validation message before sending the document.
System Merge Tags
System Merge Tags are predefined tags available while editing a document. These tags are categorized into four sections:
1. Document
Merge Tag | Description |
ID | This auto incremental system-generated document number. |
FirstSentAt | Date of the document when it is sent for the first time |
Name | Name of the document |
CreatedAt | The date the document was created |
ExpiresAt | The date on which the document will expire |
Owner.Name | Name of the owner (creator) of the document |
Owner.Email | Email ID of the document owner |
Owner.Phone | Phone number of the document owner |
Owner.FirstName | First name of the document owner |
Owner.LastName | Last name of the document owner |
Owner.JobTitle | Job title of the document owner |
Total.OneTime | Displays the one-time upfront total from the quote block |
Total.Monthly | Displays the monthly upfront total from the quote block |
Total.Quarterly | Displays the quarterly upfront total from the quote block |
Total.SemiAnnual | Displays the semi-annual upfront total from the quote block |
Total.Annual | Displays the annual upfront total from quote block |
Total.GrandTotal | Displays the total from the quote block |
| Displays the weekly upfront total from the quote block
| Displays the total from the quote amount without the tax |
| Displays the total one-time cost price of items in the quote block
| Displays the weekly cost price of items in the quote block
| Displays the monthly cost price of items in the quote block
| Displays the quarterly cost price of items in the quote block
| Displays the semi-annual cost price of items in the quote block
| Displays the annual cost price of items in the quote block
| Displays the cost price of all the items in the quote block
| Contains the public URL of the document
| Contains the PO Number of the client related to the document
ShipToAddress.Street/Street2/City/ State/Country/Zipcode/Phone
| Street/City/State/Country/Zip Code of the shipping address provided |
2. Client
Merge Tag | Description |
ID | Client ID |
Url | URL of the client company |
Name | Name of the client |
Phone | The phone number of the client |
Fax | Fax ID of the client |
DateAcquired | Date of the client acquisition |
Contact.1.Name (Contact.2,3 etc) | Name of the contact 1/contact 2/contact 3 |
Contact.1.Email (Contact.2,3 etc) | Email of the contact 1/contact 2/contact 3 |
Contact.1.Phone (Contact.2,3 etc) | The phone of the contact 1/contact 2/contact 3 |
Contact.1.Department (Contact.2,3 etc) | Department of the contact 1/contact 2/contact 3 |
Contact.1.JobTitle (Contact.2,3 etc) | Job title of the contact 1/contact 2/contact 3 |
Contact.1.FirstName (Contact.2,3 etc) | First name of the contact 1/contact 2/contact 3 |
Contact.1.LastName (Contact.2,3 etc) | Last name of the contact 1/contact 2/contact 3 |
Market | Type of market of the client |
Campaign | Type of campaign used for the client |
Website | Website of the client |
Facebook | The Facebook ID of the client |
Twitter | Twitter ID of the client |
LinkedIn | LinkedIn ID of the client |
BillingAdress.Street/Street2/City/State/Country/Zip Code | Street/City/State/Country/Zip Code of the billing address provided |
ShipToAdress.Street/Street2/City/State/Country/Zip Code | Street/City/State/Country/Zip Code of the shipping address provided |
3. Opportunity
Merge Tag | Description |
ID | The opportunity ID |
URL | URL of the opportunity |
Name | Name of the opportunity |
Type | Type of the opportunity (Prospect, Quote, etc) |
EstimatedValue | The estimated value of the opportunity |
EstimatedCloseDate | Estimated date of closing of the opportunity |
CloseDate | The date on which the opportunity is closed |
ClientPoNumber | PO number of the client related to the opportunity |
CreateDate | The date on which the opportunity was created |
Campaign | Campaign details of the opportunity
Source | Source details of the opportunity
Owner.FullName | Full Name of the opportunity owner
| First Name of the opportunity owner
| Last Name of the opportunity owner
| Total cost of the opportunity
| The one-time cost of the opportunity
| The weekly cost of the opportunity
| The monthly cost of the opportunity
| Quarterly cost of the opportunity
| Semi-annual cost of the opportunity
| Annual cost of the opportunity
| Total revenue of the opportunity
| One time revenue of the opportunity
| Weekly revenue of the opportunity
| Monthly revenue of the opportunity
| Quarterly revenue of the opportunity
| Semi anually revenue of the opportunity
| Annual revenue of the opportunity
| Total profit margin of the opportunity
AT Status (if AutoTask integration is enabled)
| AutoTask sync status if the
4. MyCompany
Merge Tag | Description |
Name | Name of your company |
Phone | Phone number of your company |
BillingAddress.Street/City/State/Country/Zip Code | Street/City/State/Country/Zip Code of the billing address provided by your company |