We understand migrating your customers to a new payments platform is time consuming. Your customers have to ‘opt-in’ and sign new mandates.

To make the above process much easier for you and your customers, Zomentum Payments offers Bulk mandate migration functionality. Using this Zomentum will migrate the mandates from your existing payment provider to Zomentum Payments.

Supported Regions & Payment Methods

United States (US):

  • Credit/Debit Cards
  • ACH Direct Debit

United Kingdom (UK):

  • Credit/Debit Cards

Here is how it works:

  1. Email support@zomentum.com for an encryption key 
  2. Provide the encryption key to your existing payment provider and request them to encrypt the data w.r.t mandates in a csv file (format as per RFC 4180)
  3. Create a Mapping File 
  4. Share both of the above files that adhere to the file format mentioned below with the Zomentum team at support@zomentum.com

Detailed Process: 

  1. Encrypting Mandate Details:
    1. Partner need to ask their current payment service provider to create a file that contains the columns as shown below.
      Example file:
    2. MerchantAccount,ShopperEmail,ShopperReference,RecurringContract,EchoData,OwnerName,ExpiryMonth,ExpiryYear,ExpiryYYMM,ExpiryMMYY,ExpiryMMYYYY,ExpiryYYYYMM,CardNumber,Iban,CountryCode,BankLocation,BankName,BankLocationId,BankAccountNumber,BillingAgreementId,PayerId,BillingStreet,BillingCity,BillingStateOrProvince,BillingPostalCode,BillingCountry
      ZomentumECOM,john@foobar.com,foobar999,RECURRING,MasterCard Bijenkorf NL,D.N. Mater,8,2018,,,,,5100081112223332,,,,,,,,,,,,,
      ZomentumECOM,mark@acme.com,mark2acme,RECURRING,,B.Dalby,,,,,,,,,US,,,121000358,123456789,,,123 Test Street,San Francisco,CA,94000,US
    3. ShopperReference uniquely identifies the customer. This is what Zomentum Payments need to map. The details related to this encrypted file can be found at the end of this article  
    4. This file must be encrypted using the key which the partner can get via emailing to our support team.
  2. Mapping clients to ZP
    1. Before Zomentum can actually import, we must have a list of the values that the old payment provider will provide as ShopperReference to identify every client. These are actually the fields that old payment provider would have be using to uniquely identify a client inside their platform. T
      We need to prepare a second file called the Shopper reference re-mapping file to map the old payment provider's ShopperReference to Zomentum Payment's. This file looks like this: 
    2. newShopperReference,oldShopperReference
    3. We need to collect this information from the previous payment service provider and the partner who wants to migrate to Zomentum Payments. Zomentum Payments use a field called UUID to uniquely identify a client inside it's platform. It cannot be seen on the UI
    4. To create a mapping file, the partner will have to complete an Excel file. Zomentum can generate an Excel file for them as soon as they connect their Quickbooks/Xero account. It will contain Client name, the primary Client email and the UUID( ShopperReference of Zomentum Payments is UUID). Partner then needs to complete this file with details from their previous payment service provider. They will have to request these details from their old payment service provider as they can't access the unique ID by themselves
    5. Zomentum needs a complete client list from the previous payment service provider, and it should include the identifier that they will use as ShopperReference in their export file. 
    6. The partner must then map this information for us, and we can create the Shopper reference re-mapping file from this.
    7. For example: if ConnectBooster is the previous payment service provider, the result ideally looks like this:

ConnectBooster client identifier

Zomentum Payments client 

ConnectBooster client name

ConectBooster client primary contact

Zomentum Payments client name (from QBO/Xero)

Zomentum Payments client primary contact 



FooBar Ltd


Foo Bar LTD








In this file, all columns with ZOmentum Payments data will be provided by Zomentum and the ConnectBooster fields will have to be filled by partner with the help of their old service provider. 

NOTE: If the partner's existing payment service provider can provide a reference to the related QBO/Xero Customer ID in their client export, Zomentum can automatically create the above file using that ID! Then the partner does not have to do this manually.

Encrypted Input file format

The files containing the data to be imported should be formatted as follows:

  1. Create a file in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format as per RFC 4180, in accordance with the following requirements:
    • The first line contains the names of the fields. You do not have to use all field names and you do not have to use them in the same order as listed on this page.
    • Each subsequent line contains the fields for a single recurring contract. In other words: Each recurring contract is on a separate line.
    • If a field doesn't apply to the recurring contract that the line describes, specifying a value is skipped.
    • Field names and values are case-sensitive.
    • Multi-line fields are not allowed.
    • The maximum file length is 1,000,000 lines.
  2. Save the file in UTF-8 format (to support non-western characters)

The example input file with four recurring contracts is shown above:

ZomentumECOM,john@foobar.com,foobar999,RECURRING,MasterCard Bijenkorf NL,D.N. Mater,8,2018,,,,,5100081112223332,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ZomentumECOM,mark@acme.com,mark2acme,RECURRING,,B.Dalby,,,,,,,,,US,,,121000358,123456789,,,123 Test Street,San Francisco,CA,94000,US

Encrypted Input file fields

The fields for recurring contracts are:

ShopperReferenceYesAn ID that refers uniquely to the shopper. For example, a customer ID in a shopping cart system. Minimum length: three characters.

Apart from the above fields, the CSV file can have fields for:

  1. Card Data
  2. ACH  

Card fields

When specifying card data, you need to provide:

  1. Card number.
  2. Expiry date: month and year of expiry. You can use either a combination of fields (ExpiryMonth and ExpiryYear), or a single field to specify both month and year: ExpiryMMYY, ExpiryMMYYYY, ExpiryYYMM or ExpiryYYYYMM.

YesThe card number.
Expiry date    

Either a single field or a combination of fields is required. Choose from the following fields.

  • ExpiryMMYY: The month and year of expiry, written as a 4-digit string. For example, 0618 for June 2018.
  • ExpiryMMYYYY:The month and year of expiry, written as a 6-digit string. For example, 062018 for June 2018.
  • ExpiryYYMM: The year and month of expiry, written as a 4-digit string. For example, 1806 for June 2018.
  • ExpiryYYYYMMThe year and month of expiry, written as a 6-digit string. For example, 201806 for June 2018.
  • ExpiryMonthThe month of expiry, written as a 1 or 2-digit string. For example, 6 or 06 for June. Use in combination with ExpiryYear.
  • ExpiryYearThe year of expiry, written as a 4-digit string. For example, 2018. Use this in combination with ExpiryMonth.


(for Visa

YesThe Visa Transaction ID from the initial transaction where the shopper signed up for a series of Subscription or UnscheduledCardOnFile payments. 

ACH fields

BankLocationIdYesThe ABA routing transit number of the account.
BankAccountNumberYesThe US bank account number from which the payment will be debited.
OwnerNameYesName on the bank account.
BillingHouseNumberOrName    YesThe number or name of the house. You can omit this and include the data in BillingStreet.
BillingStreetYesThe street name.
BillingCityYesThe city name.
BillingStateOrProvinceYesA valid 2-character abbreviation for the state
BillingPostalCodeYesThe postal code.